Wisdom Tooth Extraction

in Garland, TX

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to erupt within the mouth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth do not erupt at all, or they are blocked from erupting by bone or gum tissue. Impacted wisdom teeth cause many oral health issues, such as pain, swelling, bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. The major symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth include the following:

  • Infection
  • Pain to the encompassing bone and soft tissue
  • Red or swollen gums.
  • Tender or bleeding gums.
  • Swelling or pain in and around the jaw.
  • Bad breath.
  • A bad taste in your mouth.
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth.

The best time to have your wisdom teeth removed is before they cause any pain. If your dentist recommends wisdom tooth extraction, you should schedule your procedure right away. Wisdom teeth removal is a simple outpatient procedure. Anesthesia is used to ensure you are comfortable and feel no pain. During the procedure, one or more teeth are removed. The type of anesthesia you receive will depend on how many teeth are being removed at once.

What to Expect After Removal

After your wisdom teeth are removed, you can expect some pain and swelling. Your mouth may also feel dry, and you’ll need to stick to a diet of soft foods for a few days. The pain and swelling will lessen each day, but it may take a week or more before you return to normal activity. You’ll need to take special care of your mouth to ensure proper healing. Rinse your mouth with salt water after meals and before bed, and avoid rinsing too vigorously. Use an ice pack or cold cloth on your jaw for 10-15 minutes at a time to reduce the swelling. Be sure to avoid smoking, drinking through a straw, or using a toothbrush near the extraction site for the first few days. You will also need to refrain from strenuous activity during this time. You may also need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist as instructed.

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